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The population of Bangladesh is 16 crore 98 lakh 28 thousand 911 people (according to the census till June, 2022). Population of Bangladesh is 17 crore 15 lakh 90 thousand people (on January 1, 2024, source: SVRS 2023). Population density 1171 (per sq km-2023, Source: SVRS 2023). Normal population growth rate is 1.33 (2023). Population growth rate is 0.69 (2023). The size of the household is 4.2 people (2023). Gender ratio (male/female × 100) 96.3; Obese birth rate 19.4; Obesity mortality 6.1 (2023). Average life expectancy is 72.3 years (2023). Literacy rate (7 years and above) – 77.9% (2023). Obesity rate is 28.2 (per thousand - 2023). Poverty rate is 18.7% and extreme poverty rate is 5.6%. The unemployed population is 2.58 million. The unemployment rate is 3.53%. Inflation is 11.66% (July 2024). Mobile phone user rate (5 years and above) - 59.9% (2023). Internet user rate (5 years and above) - 45.7% (2023). Maternal mortality ratio is 136 (against 2023 per lakh live births). GDP – 32,104 billion rupees (2022-23). GDP growth rate – 5.78% (2022-23). GNI – 46,701 billion rupees (2022-23). Per Capita Income – 2,73,360 Tk. Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) 2023

Information Officer's List


Office Name Name Image Mobile Email
bnfe.chapainawabganj মোঃ আব্দুর রাজ্জাক মোঃ আব্দুর রাজ্জাক ০১৭১২৫৫৯৯০৯ bnfechapai22@gmail.com
shilpakala.chapainawabganj Md. Faroqur Rahman Faisal Md. Faroqur Rahman Faisal 01710001969 fsanagor@gmail.com
shilpakala.chapainawabganj Md. Faroqur Rahman Faisal Md. Faroqur Rahman Faisal 01710001969 fsanagor@gmail.com
District Sports Office Md.Jahangir Hossain Md.Jahangir Hossain 01733294881 chapai_dso@yahoo.com
shishuacademy.chapainawabganj Md. Manjur Kader Md. Manjur Kader +৮৮০১৭৬২৬০৪০৯০ bsachapai@gmail.com
bmet.chapainawabganj Md. Akhlaque-Uz-Zaman Md. Akhlaque-Uz-Zaman 01727318353 akhlaquebmet@gmail.com
dss.chapainawabganj D. Abdolla AL Feroz D. Abdolla AL Feroz 01711909515 ferozabdolla@gmail.com
Department of Youth Development, Chapainawabganj Md. Mizanur Rahman Md. Mizanur Rahman 01712674872 mizan.ydo@gamil.com
Office of the Deputy Director, Department of Women Affairs, Chapainawabganjj MOST: SAHIDA AKHTER MOST: SAHIDA AKHTER 01716311565 dwao.cnj@gmail.com
brdb.chapainawabganj আবু হাসান মো: সাঈদ আবু হাসান মো: সাঈদ ০1991132113 ddchapainawabganj@brdb.gov.bd
islamicfoundation.chapainawabganj Md.Golam Mostafa Md.Golam Mostafa 01550687512 ifchapai@gmail.com
District Food Controller's Office, Chapainawabganj Muhanmmad Mizanur Rahman Muhanmmad Mizanur Rahman 01713581191 dcf.nbj@dgfood.gov.bd
Office of the District Fisheries Officer, Chapainawabganj Md. Mahbubur Rahman Md. Mahbubur Rahman 01769459651 dfonawabgonj@fisheries.gov.bd
dls.chapainawabganj Dr. Md. Golam Mostofa Dr. Md. Golam Mostofa ০১৭১৬৬৫২৯৪৮, ০১৩২৪২৮৯৩৬৪ dlochapai@yahoo.com
smbadc.chapainawabganj H S Jahidul Ferdous H S Jahidul Ferdous 01711733060 sadbadcchapai@gmail.com
smbadc.chapainawabganj H S Jahidul Ferdous H S Jahidul Ferdous 01711733060 sadbadcchapai@gmail.com
smbadc.chapainawabganj H S Jahidul Ferdous H S Jahidul Ferdous 01711733060 sadbadcchapai@gmail.com
smbadc.chapainawabganj H S Jahidul Ferdous H S Jahidul Ferdous 01711733060 sadbadcchapai@gmail.com
smbadc.chapainawabganj H S Jahidul Ferdous H S Jahidul Ferdous 01711733060 sadbadcchapai@gmail.com
smbadc.chapainawabganj H S Jahidul Ferdous H S Jahidul Ferdous 01711733060 sadbadcchapai@gmail.com
smbadc.chapainawabganj H S Jahidul Ferdous H S Jahidul Ferdous 01711733060 sadbadcchapai@gmail.com
smbadc.chapainawabganj H S Jahidul Ferdous H S Jahidul Ferdous 01711733060 sadbadcchapai@gmail.com
smbadc.chapainawabganj H S Jahidul Ferdous H S Jahidul Ferdous 01711733060 sadbadcchapai@gmail.com
smbadc.chapainawabganj H S Jahidul Ferdous H S Jahidul Ferdous 01711733060 sadbadcchapai@gmail.com
smbadc.chapainawabganj H S Jahidul Ferdous H S Jahidul Ferdous 01711733060 sadbadcchapai@gmail.com
smbadc.chapainawabganj H S Jahidul Ferdous H S Jahidul Ferdous 01711733060 sadbadcchapai@gmail.com
smbadc.chapainawabganj H S Jahidul Ferdous H S Jahidul Ferdous 01711733060 sadbadcchapai@gmail.com
Office of Agriculture Marketing Officer, Chapainawabganj মোঃ মোমিনুল হক মোঃ মোমিনুল হক ০১৭৪৫৯৮৬৫২১ damchapai@gmail.com
hcrc.chapainawabganj Md.Mosharraf Hossain Md.Mosharraf Hossain +৮৮০১৭১৯৭৯১৪২১ moshrhrs75@yahoo.com